Critical Sections, 1984
節の臨界 (setsu no rinkai)
Cloth, twigs, zinc plates
8 x 7 x 20 meters
Installation view, The 2nd Toyama Now ’84, Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, 1984.
Courtesy of Tokyo Gallery + BTAP
Critical Sections, 1984/2016
節の臨界 (setsu no rinkai)
Cloth, twigs, zinc plates
Installation view, Kishio Suga: Situations, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, 2016
Photo: Agostino Osio; Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Critical Sections, 1984/2016 [detail]
Critical Sections, 1984/2016 [detail]
Critical Sections, 1984/2017
節の臨界 (setsu no rinkai)
Cloth, sticks, zinc plates
Dimensions variable
Installation view, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, 2017
Photo: Joshua White/
Courtesy BLUM, Los Angeles / Tokyo / New York
Critical Sections, 1984/2017 [detail]
Critical Sections, 1984/2017 [detail]
Exhibition History
The 2nd Toyama Now ’84, Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, 1984
Kishio Suga: Situations, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, 2016
Kishio Suga, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, 2017