Fieldology, 1974
Dependence, 1974
Natural Order, 1975
Differentiated Movement, Continuous Existence, 1976
There: At Each Location, 1976
For the Side Corners, 1976
Theory of Emerging Situation, 1977
Event at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, 1979
Progression of Space, 1980
SHEbbING, 1981
Place Continuity, 1981
Exposed Way to the Sky, 1986
Gathered-Release-Restriction, 1997 (Activation and Documentary)
Edge of Space, 2004 (Activation and Q&A Session)
Appearance of Multiple Conflicted Causes, 2006
Multiple Latent Sceneries, 2015
Centered Condition, Circulated Space, 2016
Determined Presence, Predisposed Absence, 2017
Suga's use of the term “Activations” began in March 2004. Prior to that they were referred to as "events."